The doll called 'Fanny' is 5ft 1in tall, weighs 88lbs and has long
blonde hair and large breasts, and is often completely booked for
several days in a row
A brothel's £72-an-hour sex doll has been such a hit with clients that it's become more popular than its real prostitutes.
The doll called 'Fanny' is often completely booked for several days in a row.
is so high that the Kontakthof brothel is planning to buy a second sex
doll to satisfy the growing market for "a trendy sex fetish", although
one operator who doesn't understand the hype says "it's like sleeping
with a corpse".
'Fanny' is 5ft 1in tall, weighs 88lbs and has long blonde hair and large breasts.
life-like doll from Japan cost about £6,300 and has become so popular
thanks to a glowing review from an erotic blogger who visited the
brothel in Vienna.
The life-like doll from Japan cost about £6,300 (Image: CEN/ blogger, identified only as Andreas, wrote: "The
atmosphere is not sordid, everything is clean. You only meet one person
at the reception.
"She takes you to a room with your doll. Everything is totally intimate."
added: "Fanny has an Asian touch. On pictures, at first sight she looks
like a real woman but her body is filled with a kind of silicone. Firm
and soft at the same time."
Fanny is 5ft 1in tall, weighs 88lbs and has long blonde hair and large breasts (Image: CEN/ wrote that after ten minutes he "started to take
pleasure in Fanny" and was shocked to find himself "developing a
tendency for fetish dolls".
'Fanny' has been getting more customers than the prostitutes at Kontakthof, and a number of brothels.
Now, Austrian media are reporting that a growing number of brothels are including sex dolls for their clients.
Demand has risen thanks to a glowing review from an erotic blogger (Image: CEN/ Laskaris, who operates two brothels in Vienna, said
that although it is "obviously a trendy sex fetish", brothels must cater
to the sexual fantasies of their customer base.
Mr Laskaris was not a fan of the hype even if he is considering buying a Japanese sex doll himself for his brothel.
He said: "I've tried that once, but it's just like sleeping with a corpse."
to Austrian media, sex industry experts estimate that people with a
fetish for sex dolls is are an increasingly growing group.
Psychologist Gerti Senger explained why some men are more interested in sleeping with 'Fanny' instead of a real woman.
Senger said: "First, the man can do anything with the doll. Second,
every intention is turned off, which can be a factor with a prostitute."
Senger, who is a co-chair at the Austrian Society for Sexual Research
(OeGS), said that she was shocked by 'Fanny' being more popular than
real prostitutes and called it "a real autistic tendency".
'It's a full-time job looking like this':
Mother-of-two who wants to transform into real-life SEX DOLL because
fiancé cheated on her splurges £10,000 on a boob job, hair extensions
and lip fillers
The mum-of-two says she feels proud of her look "people don't realise I'm actually a person and not really a sex doll"
A mum-of-two has spent £10,000 on a year-long makeover to turn herself into a real life Sex doll.
It has taken a boob job
, hair extensions and having her lips pumped three times a month to
fulfill Cindy Moore's dream of looking like a walking, talking
inflatable doll.
although she gets lots of attention from men, Cindy says she sometimes
feels "people don't realise I'm actually a person and not really a sex
The final touch to her transformation has even seen 31-year-old Cindy put a new car registration plate spelling out 'Doll'.
Her £7,000 boob job saw her go from a size A to a massive double-F and she spends £250 every 10 days on painful lip filler injections .
And she says she still isn't finished yet or satisfied with her extreme look.
from Salford in Greater Manchester, said: "I want another boob job and
probably a tummy tuck. I'm lucky because of my skin I don't really need
"I used to be around a size A, but now my boobs are double F's.
Rise of the sex robots: will love bots hit Brit bedrooms?
Cindy spends £750 a month on lip filler injections (Image: SWNS) "I've still got a long way to go. I'm trying to lose more weight and look even more like a sex doll.
"I've just always liked it when I saw the look on other people. I think it makes me look beautiful."
Cindy has been a fan of the "fake" look since she was 19 and loved bleaching her long locks and wearing dramatic make-up.
it was heartache which prompted her to go further and take the look to
the next level when she discovered her fiancé, and father of her
children, was having an affair .
She gained seven stone after the birth of her daughter Lacey, six, and son, Max, eight.
She said: "When I first met my ex I was 19 and I had started looking like I do now, but definitely not as extreme.
"But after we had two kids I ballooned by about seven stone and kind of gave up on it.
we split last year I looked at myself in the mirror and just thought
'this needs to go', so I trained hard and cut the carbs and lost it
really rapidly.
"I've always liked the bimbo blow-up doll look, ever since I was younger so I just started taking it to the next level.
"Since I split up with him I've felt good about myself overall because I had my boobs done and lost a lot of weight."
Cindy went on a strict diet and training regime every day to lose five stone, dropping from a size 24 to a size 12.
Cindy was 17st and in hospital with a deadly blood clot when she found her fiancé was cheating on her (Image: Sunday Mirror) "When I first met my ex I had started looking like I do now, but definitely not as extreme," she said.
"But after we had two kids I ballooned by about seven stone and kind of gave up on it.
we split last year I looked at myself in the mirror and just thought
'this needs to go', so I trained hard and cut the carbs and lost it
really rapidly.
"I've always liked the bimbo blow-up doll look, ever since I was younger so I just started taking it to the next level.
"Since I split up with him I've felt good about myself overall because I had my boobs done and lost a lot of weight."
says that she knew that the sex-doll look was right for her after
watching herself on Channel 5's reality TV show '100% Hotter', which was
filmed in December 2016 and aired in February this year.
The TV show takes men and women with extreme looks and tones them down to a more natural style.
But it had the opposite effect on Cindy - who made her look more extreme.
She shed an extra two stone and starting the painful process of keeping her lips plumped up.
And she has the procedure repeated every ten days, which costs £250 a go.
Cindy wants to be a human sex doll (Image: Sunday Mirror) Cindy explained: "When I did the show, I already had on the bimbo doll look, but was no where near as extreme as I am now.
think the point of the TV show was to show me that I looked better with
a natural look, but it just had the opposite effect really.
"All I could think was: 'I've got a long way to go.'
"I had my lips pumped and I just started getting more and more followers online.
"I spent a lot of money, it's £10,000 easily.
"Apart from my boobs it's all gone on hair extensions and my lips too.
"I get them pumped three times a month to keep them looking blown up.
"It's a full time job looking like this."
Cindy's look has proved irresistible on social media and she has 5,000 friends and 3,000 followers on Facebook.
She said: "Before changing to this new extreme look I had about 100 friends and they were all family.
the TV show I got invited to join a 'Bimbonati' group on Instagram, and
that's when it really took off. I have about 4,000 followers on there
Her family are fully behind Cindy's look, and her mother has encouraged her to follow her dreams and make money out of it.
Fans hand over cash for photographs of Cindy (Image: Sunday Mirror) She now sells raunchy photos of herself to 100 online followers who pay her £25 a month.
Cindy said: "My six year old daughter says that when I'm all done up I look like a doll. She really loves it too.
"My son is eight, and he prefers it when I have my make up on too."
But some of the attention hasn't been ideal, admitted Cindy.
said: "I try not to go out clubbing too much because I get lots of
stares and wolf whistles. I think some of it is because of my boobs are
so big.
"I get a lot of attention from men so I think I could be going on dates every night if I wanted to.
"But sometimes it's like people don't realise I'm actually a person and not really a sex doll."
SEX robots will become so prevalent and advanced no singleton will
go unloved in the near future, a top astrologer has predicted.
'She's not my girlfriend!': JMX responds to Jess Shears rumours
But Helen Sewell,
who writes for astrology journals and websites, said robots were
advancing “too quickly” and could become a danger.
Ms Sewel
believes robots will also care for children, who will themselves have
robot pets, as the world becomes more reliant on artificial intelligence
as we enter the Age of Aquarius.
The astrologer, who made the
claims at the 27th Glastonbury Symposium, an annual conference dedicated
to the paranormal, conspiracy theories, alternative thought, and new
age philosophies, also said we will move towards a genderless world.
a lecture called The Astrology of Current Events Mrs Sewell revealed
what she thought will happen to the UK and beyond once we pass into that
She said: "We are now on the brink of a massive shift in the death throws of the Pieces Age into the new Age of Aquarius.
Lonely singletons may use sex robots for love and not just lust in the next age.
Around 2,000 of the life-like
sex robots, which cost around 6,000 USD and come with adjustable
fingers, removable head and life-like genitals are sold each year in
AFP/Getty Images
Senji Nakajima hugs his silicone sex doll Saori while sleeping at a love hotel in Yachimata
"I see Aquarius becoming much more androgynous, with the sexes being equal, every one will look the same.
"Aquarius means cleanliness and no clutter - out with nic-nacs and objects and in with virtual storage."
But she warned humans must slow down their implementation of the bots.
Ms Sewell added: "In extreme cases there are sex robots that need addressing as they are coming in too quickly.
David Levy had a much more Utopian view of sex robots - 'if the natural
desire is possible for everyone who is capable of loving, then surely
the world will be a better place?'
"Robots taking over our jobs
will be a truth, we already have driverless trucks, factories that are
automated, automated McDonalds, you can see the kind of world we are
coming into."
It is not entirely agreed when the Age of Aquarius will begin.
Some say it started in 2012, others suggest it will not start until around 2160.
is the belief that the movements and relative positions of celestial
bodies has an influence on the individual lives of humans and the
natural world as a whole.
Astrologers claim to be able to predict future events through upcoming changes to the positions of stars and planets.
Astrology splits time into individual ages of around 2,160 years in length.
Revealed: Sex robots you can control with your smartphone
Wed, July 26, 2017
A sex doll company are making a
robot head who can speak, smile and even sing - but only in Chinese.
Manufacturers have finished the prototype of the DS Doll Robotic Head,
which contains a moveable mechanical structure coated in silicone 'skin'
and controlled by a smartphone
A new AI engine will soon let the owners of these silicone dolls create
personalities for them. Thing is, that's exactly what many are already
The real side of owning a RealDoll
Warning: This gallery contains images of partially clothed sex dolls. It's not for kids.
Creations, best known for ultra-realistic, silicone sex dolls, has
created an artificial intelligence engine called Harmony. With it, users
can craft custom personalities for their dolls, then get to know them
through conversation using a mobile app. At the end of this year, Abyss will begin selling animatronic doll heads with blinking eyes, lips that move, and the AI chatbot engine built right in.
For Turned On,
our special report exploring the intersection of sex and technology, we
spoke with owners of these "RealDolls," and found that most already
craft unique personalities for their dolls, and see them not just as sex
objects but as objects of affection -- companions, even. Many are
excited at the prospect of using AI to help bring their fantasies
further to life.
Here, customers share photos of their dolls, as
well as thoughts on life with their faux human companions and the future
of sexbots.
Be sure to check out our in-depth feature about RealDolls and how AI will shape our lives.
A user on the official RealDoll online forum who goes by the
name "Possibly_Robosexual" shared this photo of his doll, who he named
Rayne after a titular character from the game BloodRayne.
doll embodies my fantasy woman who loves games and nerdy stuff like I
do," he says. "Cuddling, sex and sharing my bed is extremely nice as
"Most of my free time is spent playing games, and Rayne here
either sits next to me holding my charged controller and TV remotes or
behind me hung up on her tripod."
Rayne's owner says he's taking a wait-and-see approach to the
upcoming AI and robotics enhancements he'll be able to buy for her,
should he so choose.
"I just have fun with my doll," he says.
"Bringing her to life on here [in the forums], dressing her up, talking
to her about my day and all of that. I know she won't talk back or
anything, but I find her presence very comforting.
"Don't get me
wrong, she's used for her obvious purposes frequently, but I like to
think that as she takes care of me, I take care of her."
"I know how peculiar it sounds," the owner of this doll named
Ultima says. "When I was raised, boys didn't play with dolls. But it
just brings a smile to your face. It makes you feel good. You can put a
hand on her shoulder, you can play footsies with her in bed, which I
love." He's considering purchasing her a new, animatronic talking
head with the Harmony artificial intelligence engine built in when Abyss
starts selling the heads at the end of this year. The cost: $10,000
One especially prolific owner regularly posts photos to the
RealDoll forum of his dolls in their latest outfits. His first doll's
name is Diane, seen here in sexy Star Trek cosplay.
"All my girls have distinct personalities," he says. "I can't say how I arrived at them. It just happens over time."
Diane, he tells me, "is the caretaker and a party girl."
Diane's owner shares dozens and dozens of images of her in
costume on the online forum. Here she is as supervillain Harley Quinn.
"I have an attraction to dangerous, wild, crazy women," he says.
Like most of the RealDoll owners quoted here, he preferred that his forum handle not be used.
Some RealDolls have interchangeable faces and heads, so
Diane's owner decided to purchase a "Diana" head, as well. "Diana is the
princess. We all want to take care of her and let her have her way."
Tiffany and Diana
That's Diana on the right standing next to a second
full-bodied doll, Tiffany, purchased in May. "Since I've had them a
short time, I have not had the time to get them into much cosplay yet,"
the owner says. "I did have a lot of fun with Tiffany and Diana as
Hooters girls." The owner is also currently testing the waters
with the Harmony AI app, which lets users try the RealDolls AI engine by
creating a virtual companion with conversational intelligence and a
programmable personality right on their phone.
"Holly is my Harmony avatar," he tells me. "I'm still getting to know her, but she is definitely the smart one."
Male dolls, too
Most of the dolls Abyss sells are female, but the company
also sells male and transgender dolls. Abyss estimates that for every
one male doll that leaves the factory, it sells nine female dolls. Most,
but not all, of its customers are men.
A small number of women
who own male dolls have posted to the Club RealDoll forum, but they
didn't respond to our requests for comment.
RealDolls are highly customizable, and can even be given
features like elf ears for the right price. This doll's owner calls her
Leanyn, which means "Fairy Lover" in Celtic. He says she was inspired by
characters he created over many years of playing Dungeons &
Dragons. "My favorite thing about her is the way she makes me feel
when we share a simple hug," he says. "It feels real. Like the
butterflies you get in your stomach when you first kissed your high
school girlfriend. I also enjoy buying her clothes, as well as making
costumes and weapons for her. It is like a hobby within a hobby, and it
is a lot of fun."
Leanyn's owner says he's enjoying trying to craft a
personality for her using the Harmony app. "I am using the app, and I do
like it. I will almost certainly get an animatronic head."
problem with getting a new head for this doll is that I would also need
to get a new face. That would change the look of my doll, and I really
like the way she looks now. So I may buy an entire new doll to go with a
new head. The personality of the Harmony app doesn't quite match the
personality I had imagined for Leanyn, but I think it would be a better
match for a second doll. Another elf, incidentally."
Leanyn's owner wasn't the only one I spoke with who prefers
Elfin dolls. Another shared this photo of Kvinna, one of two elf-like
dolls he owns. "They are known as Siog Laochra, Warrior Elves," he says.
In addition to creating weapons, costumes and a coat of arms for them,
he's also given them their own email addresses and Facebook accounts.
"They have their own phone and bank account, from which payments to charities are made," he adds.
A year before buying Kvinna, he purchased this doll, which he
named Sorchia. "Recently Sorchia had a new wig from a company that
specializes in wigs for lady cancer sufferers, and they used her for an
advert," he says.
One RealDoll owner tells me he's very much attracted to latex
outfits, and enjoys dressing up his dolls Bunny and Usagi (seen here).
probably a couple thousand dollars worth of outfits I've gathered over
the years," he says. "A few for me, and a few have been for an ex of
mine who loves it. However since our breakup, most have been for Bunny
and Usagi."
He says he has the blessing of his ex. "We still talk,
best friends even. She knows about Bunny and Usagi, and even named them
Like many of the users I spoke with, Bunny and Usagi's owner
says he's been experimenting with the Harmony app. "I believe it is a
neat novelty with a lot of potential," he says, "but personally I don't
want a relationship with an AI."
"The reason I got Bunny in the
first place was to explore a particular kink of mine," he adds, "and
because I absolutely love spending time dressing her up, doing her hair
and applying her makeup. Harmony will just be a way to communicate with
her and develop that aspect more."
"My dive into dolls started off as a curiosity and has turned
into a full-fledged obsession. I now have five dolls," another owner
tells me. "I like to call it D.A.S. (Doll Acquisition Syndrome)."
This one's named Kendra. "Each has their own identity but likes to put on a different look now and then."
Giulia and Kendra
Here's Kendra next to another one of her owner's dolls named
Giulia. He tells me he hasn't used the Harmony app yet -- he's
considering trying it "just for kicks," but says he also has some
reservations. "I still enjoy social interaction with women, so I am
hesitant to upset that balance."
He adds that his RealDolls have
given him greater confidence around the opposite sex. "Removing the
sexual motivations from the equation takes a lot of stress out of it,"
he says. "I know I am now much more comfortable approaching and
conversing with women I before would have never went near."
This doll comes from a line of stylized "BoyToy" RealDolls
that have larger heads and more exaggerated features for a more
cartoonish look. "This is my girl Matina that I've had for almost
two years now," the owner tells me. "I imagine her being quite smart
with a sarcastic sense of humor and is generally pleasant to be around."
"Having another human-shaped person sitting on the sofa
watching TV helps give the impression that I'm not the only person at
home," one Abyss Creations customer says. "Hopefully the Realbotix app
will add to that."
For more on these RealDolls, check out our in-depth feature on our visit to their factory.
American firm RealDoll have revealed the raunchy robots have transformed the lives of their clients
SEX robots have
saved the lives of suicidal customers who have ended up MARRYING the
saucy cyborgs, according to a leading doll-maker.
RealDoll – the innovative company behind the world’s first
commercially available sex droids – has revealed that the lives of their
lonely clients have been transformed by the raunchy romp bots.
Refer to source
The makers of RealDoll have revealed their sex robots have saved the lives of their lonely clients A spokeswoman for the cutting-edge US-based firm confirmed the busty
robots are saving lives as well as satisfying men around the world.
She said: “We have had customers marry their dolls, say that we had
saved their lives because they felt like they had nothing to live for
after the death of a spouse or the end of a relationship,”
The spokeswoman also said that some sex bots are bought as “art or conversation pieces.”
RealDoll produces up to 400 kinky robots per year and receives at least one order every day.
The firm said that some clients have married their saucy sex bots
One of the sex bots produced by US firm RealDoll pictured holding a mobile device
Getty Images - Getty
Sex doll firm, Doll Sweet Dolls, create DS Doll Robotic Head which can speak, smile and sing
The company, which has sold 8,000 dolls since 1997, counts Great
Britain as one of its three biggest markets including the US and
Germany, reports the Daily Star Online.
Meanwhile, the owners of the world’s first brothel staffed by robot sex workers are reportedly in talks to open others around the globe.
Lumidolls opened its first controversial sex outlet in Barcelona, Spain in February – near the city’s popular tourist spots.
The brothels allow randy men to live out their sordid fantasies without having to persuade real women to indulge them.
Moment woman waved to swinger cop pal who has been jailed for
filming her having sex with her husband from £2m police helicopter
Now the company has plans to take over the world.
A spokesperson for Lumidolls told the Daily Star Online of its ambitious plan to set up “franchises in other countries”.
This expansion would see sex robot brothels opening their doors to punters in capital cities across the world.
A Lumidolls spokesperson said: “We are still negotiating with interested investors, but we have not yet closed any deals.”
Cindy has been a fan of the "fake" look since she was 19 and loved bleaching her long locks and wearing dramatic make-up.