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Victoria Brooks, Lecturer in Law at the University of Westminster, has said we need to change the way we see sex robots.
Writing for TheNextWeb, Victoria said banning sex robots isn't an option — but we need to rethink our relationships between humans and robots.
Last year at a tech fair in Austria, Samantha the sex robot was repeatedly molested and left "filthy" and with two broken fingers from horny fans.

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“In legal terms, this would mean having to recognise the robot as human”Victoria Brooks, University of Westminster
And Victoria says Samantha's treatment raises massive ethical questions about how we view sex robots.
"Yes, Samantha is a machine," said Victoria, "but does this mean it is justifiable to act destructively towards her?
"Surely the fact she is in a human form makes her a surface on which human sexuality is projected, and symbolic of a futuristic human sexuality."
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And Victoria says the time may come when humans will need to get sexual consent from a robot.
"In legal terms, this would mean having to recognise the robot as human," she said.
"We are making these robot lovers in our image and we ought not to pick and choose whether to be kind to our sexual partners, even when we choose to have relationships outside of the "norm"."RELATED VIDEOS
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