The doll called Harmony can be customised with breasts from AA to triple F, and owners can choose from 30 different faces
A £15,000 sex robot called Harmony has been programmed to speak in 'gentle' Scottish accent with phrases including "Welcome home, darling".
The lifelike doll's creator said he chose that accent above others because “it was the one which sounded the least robotic”.
Versions of Harmony 2.1 can be customised with breasts from AA to triple F, and owners can choose from 30 different faces, 16 body types and 18 different personalities.
The robot is able to tell jokes and greet her owner with phrases including “Welcome home, darling, how was your day?”
Harmony 2.1 is due to go on sale in January for up to £15,200, with creator Matt McMullen claiming she is the world's first commercially available sex bot, the Daily Record reports.
McMullen, 48, said: “I’ve been in the sex doll business for more than 20 years and the one thing our customers have asked for is the sense of human contact.
“They want to hold hands, get a hug when they come home.
“The reason I’ve focused on the head first is that it doesn’t matter how beautiful a woman is, a man will always look at her face the most.
“You look into someone’s eyes. That’s what human interaction is all about.
"Sex is important but not the most important thing.”
McMullen said he chose a Scottish accent for his creation because “it was the one which sounded the least robotic”.

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A spokesman for Abyss Creations said: “When they were choosing from the original voices, the Scottish accents sounded the most natural and developed of them all.”
The robot has 18 personality types from happy to shy.
It is modes such as “shy” which most concern critics, who cite sexbots as a blatant invitation to normalise rape.
Harmony works via an app on a smartphone or tablet which allows users to build her personality. She will remember your family members’ names, your favourite colour, food, book or movie.
McMullen said: “There are humanoid robots out there much more impressive than Harmony.
“But they are showpieces. No one has put a commercially useable and affordable product out there. Harmony is the first.”
He added: “I’ve put 20 years and millions of dollars of my own money into this and I can assure you that sex isn’t the main reason people are going to buy Harmony. It’s about companionship."
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