Sunday, May 20, 2018

Combine abstinence and sexual frequency to improve the quality of your sperm

In 33% of cases of infertility in a couple, the problem is with him, according to the data provided to BuenaVida by Dr. Fulvia Mancini, medical director of Clínicas Eva, in Barcelona. Other WHO studies raise male responsibility up to 50%, as documented by gynecologist Victoria Verdú, of Clínica Ginefiv(Madrid).

The truth is that the quality of men's sperm of the XXI century has suffered a decline compared to their ancestor's farmers, heads of large families. Dr. Jan Tesarik, of the Marian Clinic, responsible for research published in Translational Andrology and Urology, has documented how the quality of sperm has worsened: "Men of the same age suffer more damage to the DNA of sperm than those of 20 years ago, it's a progressive deterioration, slow but evident. "
Long periods of abstinence can oxidize spermatozoa

Habits of life directly influence the quality of the DNA of their soldiers, as we will see, but there is a factor with an easy solution that makes them become more vague and slow: stop sex.

The more you ejaculate, the more alert your sperm will be. According to Isidoro Bruna, gynecologist, and director of HM Fertility Center, long periods of abstinence can be harmful: "The longer the sperm are in the testicular epididymis, the greater the oxidative stress they are subjected to". For this reason, men who must go with a sample to assisted reproduction centers are asked not to spend more than two days without any type of sexual stimulation.

Do not confuse the total volume of semen ejaculated with quality, as it happens to most according to the expert. When abstinence is very short - less than 24 hours - both the number of sperm and volume decreases, while if it is greater than 24 or 48 hours it will affect other parameters essential for conception such as mobility - they become more lazy and slow ; its mobility should not be less than 32% at 60 minutes of ejaculation, according to the WHO- and the morphology, or even the fragmentation of DNA, that is, breaks or injuries in the genetic material.
A short period of abstinence and then daily intercourse during ovulation

When seeking paternity, numerous studies reveal that the ideal is a short period of abstinence - between three and five days - followed by daily coitus, during the days of ovulation of women, to maximize their number of soldiers and optimize conception.

The function of a sperm is to penetrate an egg and release its DNA so that fertilization can occur. In the event that the genetic material is damaged, there will be less chance of success. Bruna explains that DNA is made up of two chains of complementary nucleotides that form a double helix so that the lesion can occur both in a single chain and in both.

If only one of them is fragmented, the ovule is of a young woman and has sufficient quality, usually repaired. However, if both chains are affected and in addition, it is combined with the material of a woman who is not in an optimum reproductive age, it will be much more difficult.
Pesticides in fruits also affect

"Sedentary lifestyle, obesity, and há bitos tó xicos are very harmful to sperm production with good fertilizing capacity, " says the fertility specialist. Both good nutrition and regular physical exercise will help you get closer to becoming a stallion.

Just do not light a cigarette again. Bruna says that numerous studies support that male smoker have a 13% decrease in sperm motility, a reduction of up to 23% in concentration, an increase in DNA fragmentation, as well as a 28% decrease in the probability of getting a pregnancy.

Alcohol does not help either. Excessive intake is associated with men with t- teratozoospermia- less than 4% of morphologically normal sperm-and oligozoospermia- low concentration in the ejaculate-decreased libido and erectile dysfunction. In addition, diseases such as diabetes or prostatitis - a bacterial infection of the prostate gland - can also damage your sperm.

Although unfortunately, not everything is in your hand. Both pesticides containing fruits and vegetables and environmental pollution are also big enemies, and this is supported by a study conducted on 6,475 Taiwanese men between 15 and 49 years old during the years between 2001 and 2014. In conclusion, they demonstrated that exposure to short and long-term fine particles is a great detriment to quality. Not in vain, both studies and the Spanish Society of Fertility ( SEF ) say that 50% of cases of infertility and reproductive dysfunction is due to a male factor or the poor quality of sperm.
From the age of 45, the sperm deteriorates

Although not in the same proportion that happens with women, age does matter: "The fertility of male gametes (spermatozoa) is longer than that of eggs, but it has been shown that after 45 or 50 years it produces a deterioration, "says Bruna.

If you want to know how effective your sperm is, you can check it through a sonogram -test mobility and vitality, among other characteristics, which is performed on a sample in the laboratory- and a sperm capacitation test -where the actual number of sperm is identified. sperm that is able to fertilize an egg - or you can also trust nature to take its course.

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